Forgiveness: Why is it easy to forgive others but hard to forgive ourselves?

Good morning to all of your hard workin’, plan followin’, life livin’ and goal crushin’ folks out there in the land of the inter webs.  I am here with my cuppa dark roast with a splash of the trusty and tried and true go-to sugar-free italian sweet cream creamer and it is perfection.

You know, yesterday I was at work and I was visiting a store and was talking to a young mother that was working on the floor and we were chatting and she was asking me about my weight loss as she has seen my transformation over the past couple of years.  I was filling her in on what I was doing and then she went into this long rant of negativity and anger when she was describing her journey and I started to really feel bad.  She was using terms like a failure or have made some many mistakes when it came to health and how she let herself get so fat and other terms.

I then started to talk to her a little about learning from the past but not dwelling on the past and moving on to use it as a learning spot for the future that she wants to create.  I told her first she needs to work on how she talks to herself … I shared my story of my journey of having good days and bad days and I also am my own worst critic but for her to be successful she first has to work out those inner ghosts that are holding her back to start to forgive herself.

It is funny because about 10 minutes later, I overheard her talking to her child on the phone, who had something happen to them, so she was then so caring, loving, tender and nothing but compassion and empathy was coming out of her mouth to her child.

This got me thinking, how can she talk to her child with such care and compassion but treat herself like a lowlife person?  How can she flip the script that quickly and why couldn’t she layer some of that compassion and empathy in on herself?

I know, we as humans, are wired to be our own worst critic and I get that but to be honest, we need to start to forgive ourselves for our actions.  We need to start to look at ourselves in a different light and stop bashing ourselves but rather learn from those “mistakes” that we might have made and use them to be prepared for the future.

I shared this with her and she smiled and said she thinks about that often and is definitely going to work on it because SHE IS WORTH IT!!

People … we need to forgive ourselves and learn from what we forgave ourselves for.  I know it is easier said than done but it is completely worth it … stop setting yourself up to fail because you are holding yourself back.

Have a great day

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